New Old Games: The Last Two Weeks
Okay, first thing’s first for this installment: thanks to all involved on the great discussions on the boards, particularly in llamapalooza’s Wii Ware/VC thread. Like I mentioned, we’ll be doing this on Wednesdays now, but I’m covering two weeks here, so I’m being preemptive. For more, hit the jump and we’ll get on with this Goddamn show.
With that out of the way, let’s rewind a week, as Thores gives us the lowdown:
Potpourrii (WiiWare)
Strong Bad Episode 2: Strong Badia the Free (WiiWare)
Like last month, Strong Bad is an instabuy for me. I might get Mega Man 2 in a couple weeks if I play through 9 when it comes out but still want more afterwards.
Vectorman (VC Genesis)
Mega Man 9! (WiiWare)
Plattchen Twist and Paint (WiiWare)
Vectorman!? Wow that came out of nowhere.
Firstly, my opinion on the game: it’s classic Mega Man, which is good. It’s a bitch-bastard to go from the X series, what with the dashes and other touches, back to this. Imagine the Coke/New Coke/Coke switches, except that in this instance the New Coke was a badass future robot that fought animals and shit. Mega Man 9 has good music, good level design, good bosses, a bitchin’ intro video (complete with stilted text at the bottom); in effect it’s the complete package. Or is it?
Many have commented on the fact that a lot of new features are being added in future downloadable packs, all of which cost a total of 800 points. Of course we remember the Horse Armor debacle, but for my money (ha!), I’m down with this. The things being added aren’t just cosmetic changes or stupid bullshit like different sprites for Mega Man, but actual features which alter (and most likely enhance) the game play experience. Do I feel like I’m being nickle and dimed by these despicable micro-transactions? Not really. $18 bucks for a plethora of options with which to enjoy this game is a fair deal to me. Besides, I’m making a conscious choice to support this type of release, because I’m a nostalgia whore and they might make a Castlevania game in the same vein as this.
Also, boobs.
What do people actually think about this game? RubixsQube, whose screen name is a crime against man to type accurately on the first try, thinks this game is shitass hard:
*Mr. Face say this game GOOD.
Mr. Face never wrong!*