Pinball Arcade coming to Wii U, proven not to be a dream in new video
FarSight Studios today released a video of The Pinball Arcade running on a Wii U devkit via Facebook and various other channels as the latest in a series of announcements surrounding Christmas. According to the Facebook post the “launch pack” for the game (presumably the game itself and whatever DLC tables they plan to release first) is set to be submitted to Nintendo for approval by the end of January, where it will then stay in approval hell for half a year before being denied due to a few bugs or a typo in the copyright notice, because that’s how things seem to work out for this game. Barring anything unforeseen, however, the game should actually arrive on the Wii U eShop sometime before the end of March. (No, I don’t have any source for that, it just seems like a reasonable timeframe.) The video is embedded below.
Incidentally, FarSight have also announced that they’ve found a new publisher for the Xbox360 version since their last one went bankrupt, and a new version of the game for that platform is *also* set to be submitted in January, with *Star Trek: The Next Generation* and *Twilight Zone* available as Day 1 DLC when it re-launches.The 3DS version, meanwhile, remains in limbo, as FarSight are having a tough time adjusting their ROM emulation technology to the 3DS system’s lower specifications without the game slowing down to an unacceptable degree.